2021 has seen a lot of weird and interesting things! But one of the best things to come out of the year was the return of some of the best board games. Most of them are huge classics from our childhood days! Now is the time to blow the dust off all those old boxes as your favorite board games from your childhood are about to make a comeback. Take a look at which ones they are…

Classic Board Games From Your Childhood That Are Making A Massive Comeback
Snakes & Ladders
Snakes and ladders is an ancient Indian board game that can be played with two or more players. Generally for people aged 5+, which is just one of the many reasons this game is a worldwide classic. This traditional game is not just easy to play but is also super fun. You must remember those days when everyone would fight over the color-playing piece they wanted. Well now, in 2021 you can relive those childhood days because experts say this board game is making one of the biggest comebacks and might even be more popular than ever.
Love it or hate it, Scrabble is truly one of the most iconic games in the world. Some may believe that this game is only for the real smart cookies, but the truth is that this classic can be played by anyone and everyone. But especially for those who love to play a good word game or enjoy working those brain muscles in their spare time. However, as the years have gone by, Scrabble is no longer a game for “old people” or the “brainiacs” of the world, it’s definitely one of the best ways to expand your knowledge and vocabulary. And, if you’re looking to play with your kids as well, there is also Scrabble Junior available.
Battleship is a classic strategy game that obviously had to make our list. If you love a board game that involves thinking, we have good news for you! Battleship is making a comeback, so head up into your attic and dig out this old classic. Not too many people may know this but Battleship has actually been around since 1931 and has been pretty popular ever since.
Let’s be real, as far as board games go, when it comes to classic board games, Monopoly definitely takes the crown. It can make you laugh, cry, and everything in between, and this is what makes it pretty much the perfect board game. Amongst all of that, Monopoly is actually a board game that teaches its players the importance of money and property. So yes, strategy is key here! If you didn’t get your original version, do not fear because now there are some great newer versions available for the whole family. Even ones with themes and an electronic version. No better way to relive your childhood than by playing a good game of Monolply.
Some of you may have never even heard of this amazing game, but for those of you who have, you’ll know just how much fun it really is. First released back in 1972, Mastermind or sometimes known as code-breaker is a code-breaking game for two players. And yes you guessed it, the aim of the game is to “crack the code” using a combination of 6 different colored pegs. Now it may sound pretty easy but just wait until you try and see how challenging it can be.